vendredi 16 avril 2010

Article du Racing Post reprenant les commentaires récents de Louis Romanet sur l'usage de la cravache.

Posted on/at 15:32 by "Actionnaires du Galop"

L'article ci-joint paru dans le Racing Post du 12 avril reprend les commentaires récents de Louis Romanet tenus dans le cadre de la mise en place de la commission sur le bien-être des chevaux auprès de la Fédération Internationale des Autorités Hippiques de Courses au Galop (IFHA).

Louis Romanet prédit que dans les 5 ans, l'usage de la cravache ne servira plus à obtenir un meilleur classement, mais à prévenir uniquement d'éventuels accidents. Il précise également qu'à ce jour, seule la Norvège a statuer en autorisant l'usage de la cravache que dans des situations qualifiées de dangereuses, tout autre usage étant sanctionné. Le temps est donc venu pour les autorités hippiques de légiférer en la matière.

Romanet: "whip will be outlawed in five years"

FORMER leading French administrator Louis Romanet forecast on Monday that within the next five years major racing nations would outlaw use of the whip other than for corrective purposes.

He said: "Public perception about using the whip to improve a horse's placing will lead to restriction in its use to prevent accidents, in the case of, say, a horse swerving.

"It won't happen tomorrow, but it's something that racing should be looking at, because of the influence of better quality television on public perception.

"It will require taking decisions and then teaching young people coming in through the various racing schools. But I think it will happen within five years.

"It's similar to the process for applying non-medication rules in racing, which has to be done gradually and through education."

Romanet was speaking in his role as chairman of the International Federation of Horseracing Authorities in a panel debate on animal welfare.

He pointed out that the IFHA had recently set up a welfare committee, chaired by the BHA's Tim Morris, to address welfare issue, exchange information, promote best practice and raise awareness of specific issues by talking to welfare organisations.

One of the measures taken by the IFHA, Romanet said, had been to draw up a list of examples where use of the whip was prohibited, concentrating instead on its use for "safety, correction or encouragement without abuse."

However, he said the time may come when racing authorities had to go further, and he drew attention to the rules in Norway, where the whip could only be used in dangerous situations, and now for encouragement.

Romanet's outline of work being carried out by the IFHA drew a favourable reaction from Helen Neil, chief executive of the RSPCA of Australia.

But his highlighting measures taken in Norway brought a derisory response from Peter McGauran, chief executive of Thoroughbred Breeders Australia and a former federal minister of agriculture.

McGauran, who said recent changes to the whip rules introduced by the Australian Racing Board had "reached a sensible balance," scoffed, "It's great to see that that famous racing jurisdiction of Norway is going to set the standard."

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